The Tulip and The Butterfly
The Untold Story Of Oscar Waits

During the covid winter lockdown of 2020, Barry Cawston found a box in The Old Drugstore, his C15th home in Axbridge. The vintage box contained prints, letters and a journal dating back to 1945-1946, as well as a songbook and music scores.
Cawston discovered the name of the owner to be that of Flight Lieutenant Oscar Waits and as he 'uncovered' more of the pilots' story, some elements uncannily mirrored Cawston's own life.
With the help of Curator Freeny Yiani they 'found' newspaper clippings that brought new understanding to the letters and photographs allowing them to stitch together the narrative of the pilots time at the Drugstore.
In the Autumn of 2024 The Drugstore will host an immersive exhibition that will allow the wider public to visit and uncover The Untold Story of Oscar Waits for themselves.
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